"From the moment you stepped into our house we felt in safe hands. My husband's funeral would not have been what it was without you Bob"
Diane Wootten
March, 2012
"I have never heard so many positive comments about a memorial service before.
Amazing. Thank you. We will meet again."
Sarah Davis
June, 2016
"I'd like to thank you for sitting with my mother in hospital and providing her the knowledge and comfort she so needed."
Feb, 2014
"Thank you for all the time you gave me to help me write and prepare my own eulogy alongside my children. I now know when I'm gone how I'll be remembered"
Dec, 2016
"Your reading and quiet calm management of the whole funeral at Randall's has helped us begin the healing."
Christine Jones
Apr, 2017
"From a jumbled mass of thoughts, ideas and comments, you crafted a beautiful eulogy for my beloved brother.
The way you handled the whole event was very reassuring"